Happy Birthday Sale!

Karen here……… it’s my birthday and that sounds like a reason for a sale!

We have been out in Greenfield for 2 1/2 years now, and while we’ve accomplished much, we still have plenty of work to do. We have a steep driveway going down to our barn, which calls for organization to be ready for winter. A year ago, we weren’t ready, I actually had 2 tons of feed delivered on my birthday last year! But we did much better this year. We had our neighbor Gordy deliver hay several weeks ago. Our grain was also neatly stacked in the barn weeks ago. This week we’ve gotten cameras working to keep a close eye on the mama goats so we are aware if they go into labor in the night. We want to be aware when kids are born!!

So we will now relax some before the flurry of new life begins again at the farm. Soon we’ll have fresh milk, and new batches of soap will be made. So lets restock your households with Rapha Farms products while things are a little quiet here at the farm. Use code “Happybirthday” to snag your favorites (or something new) at 10% off!!

Karen Tautges