Fun Raiser Follow Up

We had our fun raiser on August 30th. It was the day after Sarah had turned 17. Sarah and I are both pretty extroverted, so we both had a blast sharing our farm.

There were so many people who helped in so many ways. I don’t even begin to know where to start. Friends and family shopped for food, made food, served food, even found donors to pay for the food. Friends, family and businesses donated items for prizes or auctions, or even just cash. We could not have done this without you’all!

The party was so much fun. I got to chat with so many people. Lots of our guests got to know a different side of Sarah as she shared our beloved goats with you all.

We had perfect weather! I mean it wasn’t too hot and there was no sign of rain until after the canopies had been taken down and everything was put away! Thank you everyone who contributed in even the smallest way.

Sarah and I started hyperbaric chamber treatments just over two months ago, and guys, a bunch of people close to her can see it already helping. I feel like I’m 10 years younger, and Sarah has more energy also. She is also communicating better and dealing with emotion differently. Her brain is healing!

Thank you all for contributing for Sarah!

Karen Tautges