Earth Day Sale
Karen here…. here’s a little snippet about me from a LONG time ago. I had a friend when I was in my early 20’s that influenced me. She tried her hardest to not buy anything made out of plastic. She tried to do everything she could to not fill landfills. It was long before it was ever popular, and it affected me. I started to do the same.
I have avoided plastic and styrofoam for so many years. When we started making bar soap, I went for our simple strip of paper around our bars. When I made our first lotion bars, I went for a reusable tin and then a totally cardboard tube.I didn’t realize that the world was catching onto my ways!
When my father died 4 years ago, I made a few trips to the dump to get rid of years and years of stuff. It broke my heart to see piles and piles of stuff that we as consumers have to have. It renewed my passion to minimize my life, and to attempt to not fill a landfill with more stuff.
So we do our best to not fill landfills with stuff at our farm. Our recycle bin is overflowing at every pickup, but we struggle to even fill our garbage can.
Let’s all do our best to not fill landfills with plastics and styrofoam. Bring reusable bags when you are shopping. There are so many options to avoid using products that will sit in landfills forever…. like our bar soaps with a simple piece of paper for a wrapper.
Use code EARTHDAY21 to score 20% off of our website: