We’ve had goats for over 4 years now. They are livestock and I’m not supposed to get attached… but I’m not a very good farmer. To keep getting milk, each fall all of the girls get preggo and each spring we are flooded with insanely cute goat kids. Then the bottles, then the bouncing around getting into trouble. After 4 years of this we have reached 18 goats. That is more than we need.
Recently I was contacted by a young family wanting to get started with goats. They asked me if I had any for sale, a female in milk was even better. After some thought, we decided that we should consider letting some of our goats go this year. We were blessed with 4 baby girls this year, so we’ll have plenty in milk next summer. So the decision was made.
I really wanted to say goodbye to Winnie. She is a HUGE goat with an attitude. She knows her size, and she has injured me twice. The first time was pretty minor, I was just pulled to the ground. The second time she pulled me backwards into a wood pallet and it took well over a month to recover from that injury. But she was terrible to milk, and she would not be a good starter goat.
That left Lilly. She is super sweet. When you go to milk her, she actually lifts her back leg to get it out of our way. She doesn’t pull when we walk her to and from our milking room. She’s just easy. She’s an average milker, and she would be a great starter goat for this family. So on Saturday Lilly is going to go to a new farm in Wisconsin and start her own little herd. We will miss you Lilly.