Congratulations Lucy!

Congratulations Lucy!

Lucy was our first ever goat. Sarah picked her out from Three Willows Farm several years ago. Lucy helped us to become goat farmers. Two years ago Lucy’s first kid was stillborn before she lived with us. She then adopted the 5 week old kid we brought home named Tutti and let Tutti nurse! I’ve heard this is highly unusual, Lucy is just a really good Mom.

She was patient with us when it took us 45 minutes to milk her in the beginning. She entertained the neighborhood when we lived in Minnetonka! She put up with being leashed and walked around like a dog because Sarah just had to walk her to the bus stop in the beginning.

Well Lucy became a Mom again. Last year she had a boy that weighed just over 10 pounds, but this year her giant boy weighed 11 pounds 4 ounces!!! (The other kids were around 7 pounds).

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